Games Reviewed by Megan:
Carmen Sandiego Math Detective
Escape from Dimension Q
Geometry Blaster
Logical Journey of the Zoombinis
Math Blaster 1: In Search of Spot
Math for the Real World
Math Heads
Operation Neptune
Rockett's New School
The Time Warp of Dr. Brain
Megan Murray Research Associate
By Allison, age 6
I have been at TERC for almost 5 years. For several years I have worked on Investigations in Number, Data, and Space Investigations in Number, Data, and Space,, an NSF funded project that is developing a new K-5 mathematics curriuclum. This has involved working closely with teachers and students as I observed classes that were piloting the curriculum in grades 5, 2, 1 and kindergarten. I co-authored units in kindergarten and fifth grade, including Collecting, Counting, and Comparing, the unit on which I was the primary author. I have also participated in the creation of a series of videotapes on how children develop an understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and in the Exxon-funded research project: Where's the Math in the Kindergarten Classroom?
More recently, I have been a contributing member of the research project called Through the Glass Wall: Computer Games for Mathematical Empowerment. I participated in a series of studies in which data was collected about children and computer games: which students like (and dislike) and why; the different ways students engage with them; the kind of mathematical thinking and discussion that takes place (or doesn't) while playing them; and the kind of culture that develops around particular games.
I have also been involved in the analysis of these data (field notes, video tapes, interviews, assessments); of the games themselves (what are the important characteristics of games? what kinds of structure do different games have? what kinds of stories? characters? puzzles? constraints? feedback?); and in the ways in which the two interact (which characteristics of games seem to be the most important in engaging children? in engaging girls? Which seem important in encouraging persistance? in providing useful educational experiences? in allowing for mathematical talk and strategizing?).
Finally, I have been spending time collecting and investigating a variety of references and resources (both print and electronic) that explore gender as it relates to and intersects with technology, computer and video games; play; mathematics; and in-school and out of school learning, in an effort to provide a wide array of applicable resources.
One overlap between the two major areas of my work has been an investigation into children's literature. On the Investigations project, this involved finding children's literature that could be used as a springboard for mathematical activities. On the Glass Wall project, I have become interested in literature that portrays girls as main characters, as engaged in important activities, and as intelligent and capapble individuals.
For more infomation on sites, resources, and references on children's literature...
Recommended Literature for Girls: Print References
Recommended Literature for Girls: Web Sites
Children's Literature (General): Print References
Children's Literature (General): Web Sites
Web Sites/Links: Magazines for Girls
- Adell, Judith. A Guide to Non Sexist Children's Books. Chicago: Academy of Chicago Publishing, 1976.
- Bauermeister, Erica & Holly Smith. Let's Hear It for the Girls: 375 Great Books for Readers 2-14. NY: Penguin, 1997.
- Cooper-Mullin, Alison & Jennifer Marmaduke Coy. Once upon a Heroine: 400 Books for Girls to Love. Lincolnwood, IL: Contemporary Books, 1998.
- Odean, Kathleen. Great Books for Girls: More Than 600 Books to Inspire Today's Girls and Tomorrow's Women. NY: Ballantine Books, 1997.
- (Also see Great Books for Boys: More Than 600 Books for Boys 2-14. NY: Ballantine Books, 1998, by the same author.)
- Sadker, Myra & David Sadker. Failing at Fairness: How Schools Shortchange Girls. NY: Touchstone Books, 1995.
- (The index of this book includes a Recommended Reading list which contains books that "offer girls strong role models." They include the following categories: Picture Storybooks, Traditional Literature/Folktales, Historical Fiction, Fantasy and Adventure, Biography, and Miscellaneous.)
- Wilms, Denise & Ilene Cooper (eds.). A Guide to Non-Sexist Children's Books: 1976-1985. Volume II. Chicago: Academy of Chicago Publishing, 1987.
- Just Girls: Books That Celebrate Girls. A catalog of books for girls ages 4-14.
Millwood Book Company, PO Box 34487, Bethesda, MD 20827. To order call 1-800-465-5445.
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Book Reviews!
- "The purpose of Girl Pride is to find books, tapes, and games that celebrate and encourage the accomplishments of girls and young women." This page contains reviews of several books, a link to reviews written by Club Girl Tech members, as well as a link to an archive of book reviews. There is also a feature allowing visitors to contribute their own review.
Brave, Active & Resourceful Females in Picture Books
- A list of picture books with brave, active and resourceful female characters, selected and annotated by Claudia Morrow. Entries include a bibliographical entry as well as a brief summary of the story.
Brave Girls and Strong Women Book Store
- This site contains a list of books from small publishers around the country, designed to help girls (age 2-17) build and maintain their self-esteem. Categories include: Young Readers (ages 2-7), Middle Readers (ages 7-14), Older Readers (ages 12 and up), and Publishers' Contact Information. You can buy these books directly from this site through You can also send $1 and a self-addressed, stamped envelope for the 6-page list and a bookmark, to: Jyotsna Sreenivasan, P.O. Box 15481, Washington, DC 20003-0481
Cascade Pass - Science Career Books and CD-ROMs
- Cascade Pass is a publishing company trying to encourage young girls in the sciences. The main author, Judith Love Cohen, is an award-winning engineer. The main series of books are titled You Can Be a Woman... [Engineer, Architect, Marine Biologist, Zoologist, Egyptologist, Paleontologist, Oceanographer, Cardiologist, Astronomer]. Each book is co-authored by a professional in that field. You can order books directly from the web site by printing out an order form. Companion CD-ROMs are also available with several of the books.
Girl Views! (Club Girl Tech)
- "Have a favorite book? Want to let other girls know how great it is? How about a book you didn't like--would you like to warn kids that it's a real bore? Or maybe you've read a book that made you think about something new that you want to share with other Club Girl Tech members. You can now share your thoughts by doing this brief book review."
Girls' Series Books
- This is a resource page about girls' books series (such as The Little House on the Prairie Series). It also includes recommended links to other sites about particular series, authors, and a Boys'/Children's Series Books page.
Vandergrift's Special Interest Page
- "This home page is intended as a means of sharing ideas and information with students and with others interested in youth literature, genre fiction, women's studies, and related topics." From this home page you can jump directly to a page which focuses specifically on children's literature. This page contains links the following two links: Beyond Female Protagonists--Female Voices In Picture Books Foregrounding Women In History In Children's And Young Adult Books.
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- Lipson, Eden Ross & Susan Luke. The New York Times Parent's Guide to the Best Books for Children. NY: Times Books, 1991.
- Sutherland, Zena. The Best in Children's Books: The University of Chicago Guide to Children's Literature, 1973-1978. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980.
- Sutherland, Zena. The Best in Children's Books: The University of Chicago Guide to Children's Literature, 1979-1984. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986.
- Sutherland, Zena, Roger Sutton, & Betsy Gould Hearne. The Best in Children's Books: The University of Chicago Guide to Children's Literature, 1985-1990. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991.
- Wilson, Elizabeth Laraway. The Books Children Love: A Guide to the Best Children's Literature. Westchester, IL: Crossway Books, 1987.
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Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Site
- This is a collection of reviews of great books for kids, ideas of ways to use them in the classroom and collections of books and activities about particular subjects, curriculum areas, themes and professional topics.
CLWG: Children's Literature Web Guide
- The Children's Literature Web Guide is "an attempt to gather together and categorize the growing number of Internet resources related to books for Children and Young Adults."
Database of Award-Winning Children's Literature
- Search this database to locate award winning juvenile books that fit your criteria. Many features can be specified including age, genre, award, ethnicity of protagonist, gender of protagonist, historical period, and more. Produced by a Reference Librarian at Ohio State University.
Fairrosa Cyber Library of Children's Literature
- Fairrosa Cyber Library is a personal cyber collection of materials found on the Web related to Children's Literature. Areas include: Articles, Reviews, Lists, Discussions, Links, Authors and Illustrators, and Reading Room.
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blue jean magazine
- "blue jean magazine is an alternative to the fashion and beauty magazines targeting young women. blue jean is advertising-free, so you will find no beauty tips, fashion spreads, or supermodels on our pages. Our diverse coalition of teen editors and correspondents are dedicated to publishing what young women are thinking, saying, and doing. blue jean profiles girls and women who are changing the world! blue jean is unique because we publish aspiring young women writers and artists. Dive in to find out how you can contribute to blue jean and see your work gain international recognition."
New Girl Times
- The only national magazine written by girls. This page contains information about the magazine, its content, its contributors, and contact/subscription information.
HUES Online @
- "A magazine for women of all cultures, shapes, and lifestyles." HUES is published quarterly by New Moon Publishing in Duluth, Minnesota.
New Moon Magazine
- The Magazine for Girls and Their Dreams. "New Moon is a 48-page, advertising-free, professionally-produced, international magazine with stories by and about girls and women all over the world. (Board members edit material submitted by girls worldwide--as well as material submitted by professional adult writers.) New Moon celebrates girls, explores the passage from girl to woman, and builds resilience and healthy resistance to the gender inequities girls experience.
Teen Voices
- "Teen Voices is mroe than just a magazine because we believe that you are more than just a pretty face. Teen Voices is about girls being themselves and realizing their potential. There are enough magazines that tell girls how to look and act to impress a boy or buy certain products. Teen Voices honors the authentic voices of teenage and young adult women. Teen Voices challenges the mainstream media's image of girls by providing an intelligent alternative packed with original writing, poetry and artwork. We encourage our readers to write articles on self-esteem, racism, sexism, feminism, popular culture, health and other issues important to them."
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