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Screen Shots from
Snootz Math Trek

© Theatrix. Used with permission.

Snootz have landed on the planet and need to find some things before they can return home. This is the map to use as a guide.

© Theatrix. Used with permission.

The Snootz has the ideal outfit in mind to find at the department store. You need to find the right pieces in the right order.

© Theatrix. Used with permission.

You are searching for a specific location on this grid. As you make a guess, the computer will tell you some information. If you guess D4, the computer tells you that the location you are looking for is north of row four. The notepad tracks your resonses as does the grid itself. As you narrow down your options, those houses no longer possible gray out.

© Theatrix. Used with permission.

This traffic scene is a pattern game where you listen and then repeat a series of sounds and actions. One new sound is added each time you successfully complete the full sequence. You recreate the sounds and actions by clicking on the characters, in order.

© Theatrix. Used with permission.

You need to find the particular machine part the mechanic is thinking of by scrolling through the available parts located in the top of the machine. Then you use the shape pieces provided by the Snootz to fill the given outline in the bottom of the machine.

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