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Phoenix Quest

© E-GEMS. Used with permission.

Chapter 18: The Dragon Cloud
"It was a heavy sleep, with dreams as tangled as the foliage and as sticky as the spider webs. The cloying smell seeped into her dreams, clogging her pores and coursing through her veins..."
The Journal tells the story of Julie and Darien and also provides a map to the different islands and games.

© E-GEMS. Used with permission.

Get Julie across the maze by discerning and following some pattern in the numbers on which she is allowed to stand.

© E-GEMS. Used with permission.

Help Julie catch some fish to eat. Watch the water for fish, then type in the angle (from the marked zero) and the distance (in m.) Cast the line and see if Julie reels in a fish, or a piece of trash.

© E-GEMS. Used with permission.

The object of this game is to assemble the four pieces of the key around the center piece. You move the white and black robots by giving them commands to move how far (1 through 7) and in what direction(north, east, south, west). The commands are strung like beads on the strings on the far right.

© E-GEMS. Used with permission.

Recreate the given pattern (in blue) by selecting and inner gear and an outer gear. The pattern is made by tracing a stationary point on the edge of the inner gear as it rolls around the outer gear.

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