System Requirements for
Math Workshop
Published by: Brøderbund
- 8-bit video support (256 colors or shades of gray)
- color or gray-scale monitor
- 4 MB RAM with 2.5 MB free
- Hard disk with 220KB free space
- CD-ROM drive
- System 7.0.1 or higher
- Sound Manager 3.0 (comes with program)
- IBM/Tandy or 100% comaptible
- 33 MHz 386DX or faster
- 4 MB RAM
- 2.5 MB RAM available for Windows 3.1 or 8 MB RAM for Windows 95
- Hard disk with 4 MB free space
- Windows 3.1 or Windows 95
- MS/PC DOS 5.0 or higher
- SuperVGA (640 x 480, 256 colors)
- Windows-compliant CD-ROM drive
- Windows-compliant sound device
- mouse