Do you have any suggestions for other resource links? Feedback about these? E-mail the Glass Wall project at: Glass_Wall@terc.edu
- Computers as Theater
- ed. by Ali Hossaini, ZDNet, June 1997.
This interview with Brenda Laurel (of Purple Moon Productions) includes links to conversations on the following topics:
- Are Boys and Girls Different?
- Games Girls Play
- Computers as Theater
- What about Barbie
- Purple Moon Productions
- Viewer Questions
- Five Common Misconceptions about Girls, Computers and Play
- Girls and Boys Compete Differently
- How "Adventures for Girls" Differ from Boys' Action Games
- Creating Drive For Technology Among Girls
- by Monique Fields, San Francisco Chronicle, 1997.
This article is about a conference that strives to foster interest in sciences, computers among girls.
- Electronic Games for Education in Math and Science (EGEMS) Sorted List of Papers
- University of British Columbia.
This page is a list of links to Technical Reports, Papers and other Documents written by EGEMS, sorted by title. (You can also view them sorted by author.) EGEMS is an interdisciplinary team doing research and development on children's interactions with computers, design and use of (educational) computer games, and strategies and materials to integrate game-like computer activities with other forms of classroom learning.
- Empowering Girls
- GirlTech, 1997.
This page is an explanation of the formation of Girl Tech, a company dedicated to the "changing of society's perceptions of girls and girls' perceptions of themselves. Girls need to reach confidently into areas such as technology, mathematics, science, and leadership that have generally been seen as male domains." Also a biography on the founder of Girl Tech, Janese Swanson.
- Ethical Considerations in Gender-Oriented Entertainment Technology
- by Melissa Chaika, Crossroads (Electronic Journal of the ACM), 1995.
This article discusses gender disparity in computer usage, gender differences in viewing the computer, and ethical considerations in designing software interesting to both males and females.
- Girls' Preferences in Software Design: Insights From a Focus Group.
- by Leslie Miller, Melissa Chaika, & Laura Groppe, Center for Technology in Teaching and Learning and Center for Research on Parallel Computation. Department of Education, University of Maryland.
This article describes some of the research about the gender gap in technology, and gender differences in girls' and boys' computer perceptions and preferences. It then describes an NSF-funded pilot that "investigat[ed] adolescent girls' preferences in currently available computer software and future."
- Re-Tooling Play: Dystopia, Dysphoria and Difference
- by Suzanne de Castell & Mary Bryson, in J. Cassell & H. Jenkins (Eds.) (1998). From Barbie to Mortal Kombat: Girls and Computer Games. MIT Press: Cambridge, MA.
This chapter in the above book, looks at gender in the world of marketing and education, and in terms of children's play and playthings, including computer games.
- What We Can Do to Get Girls Involved in Technology
- by Janese Swanson, 1996.
A list of recommendations based on perceived elements of gender preference in video games played by second grade elementary school children.
- Women in Computing: Logged On or Left Out, A Special Report
- by Ilana DeBare, The Sacramento Bee, 1996
Articles in this series about women and girls and computers include:
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- Are Girls Being Shortchanged?
- by Sara Brzowsky, Parade, 1998.
This article discusses the lack of games for girls, the importance of experience with technology, and some of the research about gender and technology, both at home and in schools.
- The Barbie Syndrome
- by Rebecca L. Eisenberg, The San Francisco Examiner, Sunday, May 4, 1997.
"Do girls really need their own private tent in the dark and dangerous forest of computer games?" This author addresses the arguments (and games) of those who say they do, and who often base those arguments on so-called biological or sex-based brain differences. As one researcher says, "This is just another example of this tawdry history of sex difference research that is driven by stereotypes and results in reinforcing the stereotypes."
- Gender Blender
- by Michael Meloan, Wired, 1996.
An interview with Doug Glen, president of Mattel Media, publisher of the Barbie series software. Much of this interview focuses on his thoughts on differences in boys' and girls' play preferences.
- The Girl-Game Jinx: Computer Games Targeted For Girls Are Storming The Marketplace. Why Haven't They Found A Place In Their Customers' Hearts?
- by Elizabeth Weil, Salon Magazine, December 10, 1997.
This article (and the link to Pg. 2 "Why should I make games for you?") documents the development of the computer game market aimed specifically at girls. It discusses new companies developing such games (Purple Moon, Girl Games and Her Interactive), the women involved (Brenda Laurel, Laura Groppe, and Sheri Graner Ray), and the actual games (Rockett's New School, Let's Talk about Me, and McKenzie and Co.). There is also commentary from other industry women such as Heidi Dangelmaier, an early advocate of the girl-game cause who now terms it "a doomed enterprise;" Theresa Duncan, creator of Chop Suey, Smartypants, and Zero, Zero; and Nancie Martin of Mattel Media.
- Girl Games: Computer Games for Girls is No Longer an Oxymoron.
- by G. Beato, Wired Magazine, Electrosphere, April 1997.
This article gives a good overview of the girl game market, its development, and some reasons for what's happening, why now, and the kinds of games we're seeing. It also gives a good sense of the bewilderment evident in the popular culture around exactly what it is that girls want from a computer game. Beato describes the companies, the people developing these new games, and the research on which they are based, and ends with a section on "The Future of Girl Games" which is primarily concerned with the Internet.
- Girlware: Software Companies are Targeting Girls, But is Their Marketing on the Mark?
- by Kathleen Vail, Electronic School, June 1997.
This article opens with a description of Barbie Fashion Designer and documents how it "has cracked open the elusive market for girls' computer games." A discussion of the benefits and detriments of the stereotypical content of many of these games follows, as well as a description of a grade 2 computer club for girls, games that are considered "Beyond Barbie," and Internet sites for girls.
- Riven Rapt
- by Laura Miller, Salon Magazine, November 6, 1997.
The author tries to decipher the appeal of the game Myst (and its sequel, Riven), which was something of a surprise hit, boosted by sales to the "crucial bonus market, the people -- many of us women -- with no interest in shoot-'em-ups, role-playing or strategy computer games.
- Software for Girls - A Market is Discovered
- by Andrew Maisel, editor-in-chief, SuperKids Educational Software Review, 1997.
Girls have rarely been targeted by the software industry. In November 1996, Mattel Media brought out three programs based on...Barbie, and had a runaway bestseller with Barbie Fashion Designer. The article also cites a study which looked at girls' preferences in software design.
- Software for Girls: A Mother's Perspective
- by Jan Russo, SuperKids Research coordinator, 1997.
"I approached this month's software titles with apprehension and decidedly mixed feelings. My initial reaction to "software for girls" was one of disdain. Why create gender-specific software?" However, girls are "turned off by the violent, warfare-type games...they're looking for software that reflects their interests and ambitions, that speaks to them. ... These games provide the child with another opportunity to address the computer as a friend, and enjoy discovering what it has to offer."
- Software-Makers Tread Genderly into Realm of Girls' Play
- by Joyce Kasman Valenza, Philadelphia Online, 1996.
"This year, the software market has finally acknowledged that there are differences in the way girls and boys play, and that gender-specific play has a feminine side, too. And it has responded big-time. A wide assortment of pink and purple boxes now lines store shelves." The article goes on to profile Purple Moon and Mattel, question the stereotypes they reinforce, and suggest that parents should decide on these new games' worth themselves.
- Under a Purple Moon
- by Jon Carroll, San Francisco Chronicle, June 9, 1997.
A brief history of Brenda Laurel and Purple Moon.
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- The Best Software For Kids From The Computer Museum
- "Educational software is better than ever, and more plentiful than ever, too. It's hard to know which title best serves your child's needs and interests without resorting to costly trial and error."
- Building the Ultimate Software Library
- "To help you in your search for the top educational programs for your kids, FamilyPC's "Build the Ultimate Software Library" outlines starter kits for key subjects for kids in four age ranges -- three to six, six to nine, nine to 12, and 12 and up. Plus, since you want to know more about educational software than simply which box to buy, with each starter kit we list age-appropriate educational and developmental challenges that the software will help you address."
- CSR's Software Evaluation Instrument
- Details the "definitions and key considerations" that the reviewers and testers of Children's Software Revue uses to evaluate software titles.
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Promoting Equitable Use of Technology in the Classroom
- Computer Literacy and Matters of Equity
- by Susan Groundwater-Smith and Kathryn Crawford, University of Sydney.
This is a paper from a policy-directed study that investigated/sought to redefine the emerging term 'computer literacy' and its significance for the learning of girls. The study used a student questionaire to answer 6 fundamental questions addressing gender, computers, literacy and learning.
- Access Is Not Enough
- by Mitchel Resnick and Natalie Rusk, New Prospect, Inc., 1996.
"Computer Clubhouses in the Inner City" talks about the Computer Clubhouse of Boston and its impact on inner-city children. The Clubhouse aims to help inner-city youth gain 'technological fluency. The clubhouse is based not just on new technology, but on new ideas about learning and community...'
- Building Their Future: Girls and Technology Education in Connecticut
- by Suzanne Silverman and Alice Prichard, Journal of Technology Education, 1996.
Why do a disproportionate number of girls turn away from math, science, and technology? Discusses current research on girls and technology (including links), then discusses the authors' research, findings, and recommendations.
- "So Please Stop, Thank You:" Girls Online
- by Michele Evard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1994.
Research on fourth and fifth grade boys' and girls' use of an online newsgroup.
- What is Working for Girls in Schools
- A presentation by Heidi Dickens Bernard to the American Association of University Women's 1996 Gender Equity Conference.
"A faculty must be willing to take active steps toward encouraging girls' computer use. K-12 educators need to feel that computer use is valuable in and of itself and to feel that a focus on girls is important and legitimate... It is clear that computer use by girls and women is not an issue of skill or ability, but a social issue..."
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Children and Design
- Behavior Construction Kits
- by Mitchel Resnick, The Media Lab (MIT), 1993.
This project has designed a new generation of learning kits, allowing children to build structures, mechanisms, and behaviors with lego-like toys by incorporating technology and basic programming into basic construction kits. Children develop "new ways of thinking about computation, programming, and control."
- The CRPC/Girl Games CD-ROM Prototype Project
- by the Center for Research on Parallel Computation (CRPC), Rice University, 1996.
As part of an NSF project to increase the numbers of girls pursuing careers in science/technology, 4 teams of Houston-area middle school girls worked with a computer graphic artist, a Macromedia Director programmer, and a session leader to design four interactive CD-ROM game prototypes. This description includes game descriptions: Morality's Revenge/Mode Magazine/It's My Life/A-maze-ing Journey.
- Electronic Playworlds: Gender Differences in Children's Constructions of Video Games
- by Yasmin Kafai, UCLA, 1996.
What kind of games would children design if they had the opportunity? What games, or parts of games, on the market today would they keep? What kinds of games would girls design? These and other questions are addressed in this research paper.
- Girls and Design: Exploring the Question of Technological Imagination
- by Margaret Honey, Babette Moeller, Cornelia Brunner, Dorothy Bennett, Peggy Clements, and Jan Hawkins. An EDC-CCT Report; August 1991.
Men and women, and girls and boys were asked to "imagine futuristic technological devices." The paper describes and analyzes the responses they received in terms of gender.
- Issues in Project-Based Science Activities: Children's Constructions of Ocean Software Games
- by Louise Yarnell and Yasmin Kafai. UCLA, Graduate School of Education & Information Studies. Paper presented at AERA, 1996, NY.
Students in this study were asked to design a computer game that would teach younger students about the ocean environment. This article contains a review of research as well as a description of this study. The results section includes descriptions of the games, their content, and a discussion of the design, educational, and gender issues which arose.
- Making Games for Learning: The Development of Integrated Fraction Understanding
- by Yasmin B. Kafai & Cynthia Carter Ching, AERA, March, 1997.
Researchers invited four girls (ages 10-11) to design a game to teach fractions. The design suggestions were then examinied for content integration, quality of fraction representation, what makes a meaningful context, as well as the potential for learning in designing the game itself.
- Software By Kids for Kids
- by Yasmin B. Kafai, to appear in Communication of the ACM, April, 1996.
Programming game software to teach something about fractions (or any other subject topic, for that matter) to younger users allows children to engage in significant mathematical thinking and learning. Most importantly, it also helps them learn to express themselves in the technological domain.
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Issues in Game Design
- Give and Take: Children Collaborating on One Computer (EGEMS)
- by Kori Inkpen, Kellogg S. Booth, Steven D. Gribble and Maria Klawe. CHI 95 Proceedings.
This article examines what happens when children working together on one computer have more than one mouse for controlling the play. The results suggest that having two mice affects the performance of a pair of children playing on one computer, and that this result was gender dependent.
- Zoombinis and the Art of Mathematical Play
- by Chris Hancock & Scot Osterweil, TERC, 1996.
Based on their research while developing Zoombinis the authors propose some principles of good game design: putting the learner in charge; integrating mathematics, stories, and "rewards;" depth; and coherence.
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Reports on Technology, Gender Equity, and Mathematics
- America's Children and the Information Superhighway
- by Children's Partnership, 1996.
This report discusses how the information superhighway affects today's children and gives a set of National Children's Goals and an Action Plan for achieving them.
- The Educational Progress of Women
- by the US Department of Education, 1995
PDF file. Findings from the Condition of Education by the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI). Contains well-presented statistics.
- Mathematics Equals Opportunity
- by the U.S. Department of Education, 1997
PDF file. This study on Middle School Math covers topics not specifically about gender.
- Middle School Voices on Gender Identity
- by Dr. Cynthia S. Mee, 1992.
Between 1991 and 1992, Dr. Cynthia S. Mee interviewed 2,000 middle school students in grades five through eight. This article focuses on answers to three of her questions: "the best thing about my gender," "the worst thing about my gender," and "the biggest difference between the sexes,"
- Report to the President on the Use of Technology to Strengthen K-12 Education in the United States
- by the Panel on Educational Technology, David E. Shaw, Ph.D., Chairman, March 1997
"The Panel on Educational Technology was organized in April 1995 under the auspices of the President's Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) to provide independent advice to the President on matters related to the application of various technologies to K-12 education in the United States. ...A substantial number of relatively specific recommendations related to various aspects of the use of technology within America's elementary and secondary schools are offered..."
- The State of Technology in Classrooms
- by the Children's Software Revue, 1998
Read the results of this Children's Software Revue survey -- responses to 6 questions from 34 participants in a study on the state of technology in classrooms. This survey was conducted while writing the article "Do Computers Make Kids Smarter?" (Children's Software Revue, Sept/Oct. 1998) which was written in response to Larry Cuban's "Computers Make Kids Smarter ... Right?" (TECHNOS Summer 1998, pg. 26)
- Technology Counts '98
- Twenty years and billions of dollars since the first personal computers were plugged into the nation's schools, policymakers and the public are finally starting to demand evidence that their investments in education technology have been worthwhile. In particular, they want to know: Is it effective? this comprehensive report on the state of technology in education today.
- Ten Years of Advancement 1985-95: Women & Girls in Education
- by the U.S. Department of Education
Research on creating an environment for success and on supporting education for women and girls. Also contains a hyperlinked resource list.
- U.S. Teens and Technology
- by Gallup.
"Telephone interviews were conducted from March 20-27, 1997 from Gallup interviewing centers throughout the country. The focus of the survey was on students' familiarity with and use of modern technology, with special attention given to use of computers and the Internet....
- Women In Mathematics and Science
- by theNational Center for Education Statistics.
Findings from The Condition of Education 1997.
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Gender and Math
- Equal Mathematics Education for Female Students
- by Wendy Schwartz & Katherine Hanson, ERIC/CUE Digest, No. 78, Feb. 1992.
Discusses research on female achievement in mathematics education. Sections: Socialization Issues in Female Mathematics Achievement, Gender Differences in Learning Styles, Traditional Teaching Methods and Curricula, The Role of Teachers in Learning, and Recommendations for Encouraging Mathematics Achievement. Includes references.
- Ensuring Equity and Excellence in Mathematics
- by Claudette Rasmussen, North Central Regional Educational Laboratory, Oak Brook, IL.
A rhetoric supporting equity in math education. Provides links, resources, and project examples.
- Games as Meaningful Contexts for Students' and Teachers' Mathematical Thinking and Learning
- Panel from AERA 1997.
Discussant: Jere Confrey. Links to papers on children's learning in games, children and pre-service teachers making games, and computer games for mathematical empowerment.
- Children's Learning in Games: Coordinating Analyses of the Individual and the Dyad
by Geoffrey B. Saxe, Steven R. Guberman, Lisa Butler, Randy Fall, & John Iwanaga
- Making Games for Learning: The Development of Integrated Fraction Understanding
by Yasmin Kafai & Cynthia Carter Ching
- Pre-Service Teachers' Conceptions of Learning Through Making Games
Megan Franke, Yasmin Kafai & Jeff Shih
- Math Clubs: Closing the Gap
- by Mary Berle-Carman, Lisa Yaffee, & Jan Mokros, Hands On!,TERC, 1996.
This article describes the TERC project "Closing the Gap: Math Clubs for Girls."
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Gender and Play
- Renfrew Center Expert Says Toys Aimed At Young Girls Can Damage Self-Esteem
- The Renfrew Center via PR NEWSWIRE, January 31, 1997.
"Are parents buying toys that are detrimental to their daughters' self esteem? An expert at the Renfrew Center says 'yes!'"
- What's The Difference?
- by Janese Swanson, Girl Tech, 1995.
The author discusses her research on the play preferences of boys and girls. This page includes a section on technology/games, and also provides links to other articles.
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Organizations Working Toward Equity In Math and Technology
- Advocates for Women in Science, Engineering & Mathmatics (AWSEM)
- AWSEM brings together parents, educators and women professionals in science-related fields to kindle and support young women's interest in science, engineering, mathematics and technology. This site contains information on AWSEM projects, statistics on women and girls in the sciences, a science activity and other resources.
- American Association of University Women (AAUW)
- The AAUW is a national organization that promotes education and equity for all women and girls. Their 1992 report "How Schools Shortchange Girls" looks at how girls in grades K-12 receive an inferior education to boys in America's schools. Information on this and more recent research is available at this site.
- The Center for Media Education's Research Initiative on Children and New Media
- According to CME, "technology is shaping the way children live and play." The research presented on this site is part of CME's Research Initiative on Children and New Media. The site has four areas: Create, Learn, Share, and Play, and includes links to organizations and people who are researching and designing electronic games for children.
- Center for Research on Parallel Computation (CRPC)
- CRCP is a National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center. "At CRPC sites across the nation, computer scientists, mathematicians, and engineers are working to make parallel computation accessible to industry, government, and academia and to educate a new generation of technical professionals." Two projects of interest taking place at CRCP are:
- CRPC/Girl Games Project is an effort designed to ultimately increase the number of women in computation. The project includes: a CDROM Prototype Project, a summer research program, and a software focus group.
- GirlTECH '98 is a teacher training and student technology council program. Teachers receive intensive technology training and explore innovative teaching strategies that impact gender equity in the classroom.
- Club Girl Tech!
- Girl Tech was founded by Janese Swanson, Ed.D, who has done years of research on girls and technology. This site includes a section for parents, links to equity articles, and a list of reccomended web sites for girls. The highly interactive girls club (for pre-teen and young teens) included on the site gives information on women in history, sports, and the workplace; quote of the day; site reviews, informative articles, and places to share ideas and opinions, and fun games to play on- and off-line.
- The Connected Family
- This website is a companion to Seymour Papert's new book, "The Connected Family: Bridging the Digital Generation Gap."
- Education Development Center (EDC), Inc.
- EDC has been "promoting human development through education since 1958." At this site you can explore the themes and projects of EDC, search EDC staff and (on-line and print) publications, and read current news stories in the field of education. Of particular relevance is EDC's Center for Children and Technology, which investigates the roles technology does and can play in children's lives in general and in the classroom in particular. The following projects also focus particularly on gender equity: Telementoring Young Women in Engineering and Computing: Providing the Vital Link, and
Collaboration For Equity.
- Electronic Games for Education in Math and Science (EGEMS)
- A joint effort by scientists, educators, game and educational software developers, the EGEMS project's goal is to research and develop teaching materials that integrate computers (and computer games) into the classroom to increase the number of children in grades 4 through 8 who enjoy and learn mathematics and science.
- Family Math
- The goal of Family Math is to encourage underrepresented groups (especially girls and minority students) to enter careers that use mathematics. The program provides inservice workshops and curriculum materials in mathematics that promote equity and family involvement in mathematics education.
- FeMiNa: Girls
- A search engine geared towards women, which includes hotlinks to "girl" sites.
- Girls Incorporated
- Girls Incorporated strives to meet the needs of girls in their communities; to help them overcome the effects of discrimination, to develop their capacities to be self-sufficient, responsible citizens, to serve as a vigorous advocate. Their site has areas aimed at girls, their parents, and educators. Of particular note is an area called research. Girls Incorporated develops research-based informal education programs, that encourage girls to take risks and master physical, intellectual and emotional challenges. Major programs address math and science education, pregnancy prevention, media literacy, adolescent health, substance abuse prevention and sports participation. Particularly relevant is the program Operation SMART.
- Kids Domain Review
- A list of reviews of children's websites, including a five part series on websites for girls.
- The Logo Foundation
- The Logo Foundation is a nonprofit educational organization devoted to informing people about Logo and supporting them in their use of Logo-based software and learning environments. This site includes many articles and references.
- Pathways: Women in Science, Mathematics and Engineering
- Sponsored by Boston University, the Pathways program is designed to give young women an opportunity to learn about career options in science, mathematics and engineering.
- Project Eliminating Discrimination by Gender in Education (EDGE)
- Project EDGE is a mentoring project that targets young women at key educational transition points, along with pre-college teachers, counselors and university faculty. This site includes activities and resources.
- The Role Model Project for Girls
- This site addresses the need for role models by offering an "examples" sampler of women professionals in a wide range of non-traditional careers. In addition to the web site which offers links to references and resources, the project also has a CD-ROM of careers.
- Tomorrow's Women in Science and Technology (TWIST)
- "TWIST is an Austin, Texas-based non-profit corporation who's mission is to promote science and math education and career planning for girls and women. TWIST's volunteer staff is composed of Austin-area scientists, engineers, librarians, business people, teachers, writers, artists, and parents working together to achieve TWIST's goals."
- TERC, Inc.
- In addition to Through the Glass Wall, TERC has two other projects currently specifically addressing equity and many that address issues in mathematics and technology. The relevant equity projects are:
- Regional Alliance: Equity The Equity Network is a list serve that addresses issues, tools and strategies to enhance equity and access for all students. Topics include women, people of color, and equity in math, science, and technology. The Eisenhower Regional Alliance for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Reform is coordinated by TERC.
- Closing The Gap: Math Clubs for Girls TERC is collaborating with teachers and volunteers from the business community to implement several models of school-based math clubs for girls.
- Wellesley College Center for Research on Women
- For more than 20 years the Center for Research on Women has been in the forefront of research in which the central questions are shaped by the experiences and perspectives of women. An interdisciplinary community of scholars are engaged in research, programs and publications which examine the lives of women, men and children in a changing world. Center research generates the basic knowledge necessary to shape public policy and promote positive social and institutional change.
- Women and Mathematics (WAM)
- WAM is an advising/mentoring program to stimulate interest in math among all students regardless of career choices. Their goal is to motivate and inspire students, young women in particular, toward careers in math, science, technology.
- Women in Technology International (WITI)
- WITI is an association of women working in technology organizations who are dedicated to: increasing the number of women in executive roles, helping women become more financially independent and technology-literate, and encouraging young women to choose careers in science and technology.
- Women's Educational Equity Act (WEEA) Resource Center: Equity Online
- The national WEEA Equity Resource Center works to improve educational, social, and economic outcomes for women and girls. It includes WEEA grant information, federal legislation affecting education, a gender equity expert panel evaluating educational programs, and an interactive area to post reviews of software/media, plus web links, WEEA publications, and facts about gender equity.
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Reference Sites about Women
- 4000 Years of Women in Science
- This site, which grew out of public talks given by Dr. Sethanne Howard (currently with NASA), lists over 125 names from our scientific and technical past, including inventors, scholars, writers, mathematicians and astronomers. Because recent history contains so many women in science, the list does not include most women who live in the 1900's (such as Rachel Carson or Margaret Mead). You can search for biographical information from a time-ordered list, or in a list sorted by the field of study in which the woman was engaged. There is also an Introduction to the site, a page of References, and another which presents photographs of many of the women.
- The Hypatia Institute
- An organization devoted to gender equity in science, especially in the physical sciences where women have been greatly under-represented. This website includes resources for women in science and students, including an online mentoring program for girls.
- National Women's History Project (NWHP)
- The National Women's History Project is a nonprofit organization, founded in 1980, that is committed to providing education, promotional materials, and informational services to recognize and celebrate women's diverse lives and historic contributions to society. NWHP is the source for updates about events, conferences, publications, films and other resources related to U.S. women's history.
- Past Notable Women of Computing & Mathematics
- This site is presented by TAP (Tapping Internet Resources for Women in Computer Science), with the aim of honoring "the close connection between mathematics and computing" by providing "information on pioneers in both areas." Choose from the following: Past Notable Women of Mathematics, Past Notable Women of Computing, TAP's Photo Gallery of Women and Computers, and Other Resources Relevant to the History of Computing.
- Women in Math Project
- "This Web site contains bibliographies of publications, journals, newsletters, and catalogs on or of interest to women in mathematics, an extensive collection of biographies on women mathematicians, as well as links to various history of math sites. This also site provides information on the following: associations of interest to women in mathematics; job, grant, and scholarship opportunities for women in mathematics; upcoming conferences, workshops and programs about and for women in math; and data on women in mathematics.
- Women Mathematicians
- "These pages are part of an on-going project by students in mathematics classes at Agnes Scott College, in Atlanta, Georgia, to illustrate the numerous achievements of women in the field of mathematics." The site includes biographical essays and comments, photographs, and welcomes contributions from people outside of the college.
- Women Nobel Prize Laureates
- This site documents women's achievements in winning Nobel Prizes from the first ever awarded to a woman in 1903 (Marie Curie) to the present. Entries are sorted by the type of Nobel Prize won, and include: a description of the award, Background information, Books by and about the award winner, Featured Internet Links, and Links to news stories. Also available are lists of print references, as well as links to sites about women in science and women in technology.
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Educational Software Sites: Reviews and Sales
- PEP Registry, Educational Software Publishers
- © PEP Registry of Educational Software Publishers: Resources for Parents, Educators & Publishers.
A comprehensive listing of Educational Software Companies, with direct links to their sites. Total number of companies listed, as of 9/2/98: 1,188.
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Reviewers: Top Picks
Children's Software Revue
EdRev: Independent Educational Software Review
Kid's Domain
The Review Zone
Thunderbeam Home Page
SuperKids Educational Software Review
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Additional Software Review Sites
Benchin' Software Review
Computer Museum Guide: Software Reviews
FamilyPC Online Family Tested Software Index
Just 4 Girls!
The New Edutainment Page
PC Magazine: The Top 100 CD-ROMs 1996
PC Magazine: The Top 100 CD-ROMs 1997
Technology & Learning Online
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Software Sales Sites
The Awesomely Useful Guide To Where To Buy Computer Products
CCV Software / SoftWareHouse Catalog Introduction
The CD-ROM Link Warehouse
The CD-ROM Shop
Educational Resources
Educational Software Institute
The Edutainment Catalog Online
Educational Software Institute
Macintosh Education Software
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