Do you have any suggestions of other resources/references? Feedback about these? E-mail the Glass Wall project at: Glass_Wall@terc.edu
Gender and Technology
- Brunner, Cornelia. Gender and Distance Learning. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (March 1991), 514: 139n5.
- Chappell, Kelly K. Mathematics Computer Software Characteristics
with Possible Gender-Specific Impact: A Content Analysis. University of Washington. Journal of Educational Computing Research, Vol. 15(1) 25-35, 1996.
- Cooper, Joel and Stone, Jeff. Gender, Computer-Assisted Learning
and Anxiety: With a Little Help From a Friend. Princeton. Journal
of Educational Computing Research, Vol. 15(1) 67-91, 1996.
- DeJean, Jillian; Upitis, Rena; and Koch, Corina. The Story of
Phoenix Quest: How Girls Respond to a Prototype Language and
Mathematics Computer Game. Faculty of Education at Queen's
University in Kingston, Ontario. (DRAFT)
- Furger, Roberta. Does Jane Compute?: Preserving our Daughters
Place in the Cyber Revolution. New York, NY:Warner Books, 1998.
- Hanson, Katherine. Gender, Discourse and Technology.1997.
Publisher: Education Development Center, (617) 969-7100 (33 pages). (Working Paper Series. Summer 1995: Gender, Discourse, and
Technology #2759 $4.00 WEEA)
- Holzberg, Carol S. What Works: Computer Technology - It's a Girl Thing. Technology and Learning Magazine, May 6, 1997. Pages 42 - 48.
- Mark, June. Beyond Equal Access: Gender Equity in Learning with
Computers (WEEA Digest) EDC June 1992
- Morse, Susan. Why Girls Don't Like Computer Games. (AAUW Outlook, Winter 95) 88(4).
- Sanders, Jo; Stone, Antonia; et al. The Neuter Computer. Noel
Schuman Publishers, 1986.
- Swanson, Janese, Girl Tech. (1997) Tech Girls Internet Adventure.Foster City, CA: IDG Books Worldwide.
Marketing/Games for Girls/Popular Culture
- Burr, Ty. Games Girls Play. Seventeen. January 30, 1998. Page 72.
- Eisenberg, Rebecca L. Girl Games: Adventures in Lip Gloss. Ms.
January/February, 1998. Pages 84-87.
- Greenwald, John. Barbie Boots Up. Time.Business Section. November 11, 1996. Pages 48-50.
- Krantz, Michael. A ROM OF THEIR OWN. Time. June 6, 1997. Pages 48-49.
- Manes, Stephen. Alices's Adventures in Boredomland. New York Times. October 7, 1997.
- Muller, Joann. Virtual Equality? Software firms find new niche:
games for girls. Boston Globe, March 29, 1998.
- Saunders, Michael. Software without a hard edge: Fun and adventure
replace gore and war in 'Smarty.' Boston Globe. March 3, 1997.
- Race, Tim. Building Girls Cyber Rooms Of Their Own. New York
Times. Circuits. March 5, 1998.
Kids and Computer Games; General Technology
- Albert, Jade. Generation WWW. Time Digital.October 95. Page 42.
- Barbanel, Josh. On the Trail of Math Solutions: CD-ROM's help
children detect the fun in numbers. Education Life. Page 13, 51.
- Buckleitner, W., Orr, A., Wolock, E., Eds. (1998)Young Kids and
Computers: A Parents Survival Guide. Flemington, NJ: Childrens
Software Revue.
- Cesarone, Bernard. 1994. Video Games and Children. ERIC Digest. Urbana, IL.
- Dempsey, John V; Lucassen, Barbara A; Haynes, Linda L; and Casey, Maryann S. Instructional Applications of Computer Games. U of South Alabama. Paper presented at the 1996 annual meeting of the AERA, NYC.
- Keim, Alice. Games Add Fun to Summer Math Practice. New York Times. June 11, 1998.
- Lohr, Steve. It Takes a Child to Raze a Village - and it may take
computer games, whether shoot em-up or dress em-up, to help
prepare kids for the future. New York Times. Circuits. March 5, 1998.
- Miranker, Cathy; Elliot, Allison.The Computer Museum Guide to the Best Software for Kids NY: HarperCollins, 1995.
- Papert, Seymour. Mindstorms: Children, Computers and Powerful
Ideas. Basic Books, 1993.
- Papert, Seymour. The Connected Family: Bridging the Digital
Generation Gap. Longstreet Press, 1996.
- Perkins, et. al. Software Goes to School: Teaching for
Understanding with New Technologies. Oxford University Press,
- Provenzo, Eugene Jr. Video Kids: Making Sense of Nintendo.
Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1991.
- Rosenberg, Ronald. Edutainment software abounds; quality varies.
Boston Sunday Globe. December 14, 1997. Page H5.
- Sanger, Jack, with Jane Wilson, Bryn Davies and Roger Whittaker.
Young Children, Videos, and Computer Games: Issues for Teacher and
Parents. Falmer Press, 1997.
- Saunders, Michael. Engaging, Educational Software Gifts for Kids.
Boston Globe. Living/ARTS, Pages E1 and E4. December 8, 1997.
- Turkle, Sherry and Symour Papert. Epistemological Pluralism:
Styles and Voices within the Computer Culture. Signs: Journal of
Women in Culture and Society, 1990. Vol. 16, (1). Pages 128-157.
- Turkle, Sherry. The Second Self: Computers and the Human Spirit.1984. Out of Print.
Technology in Education; Technology in the Classroom
- Bronner, Ethan. Computers Help Math Learning, Study Finds. New York Times (Technology). September 30, 1998.
- Dempsey, John V., et al. 1996. Instructional Applications of Computer Games. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. NY, NY, April 8-12, 1996.
- Edwards, Laurie. A Comparison of Children's Learning in Two
Interactive Computer Environments. Journal of Mathematical Behavior; v11 n1 p73-82 Mar 1992 .
- Gooden, Andrea R. Computers in the Classroom: How Teachers and Students Are Using Technology to Transform Learning. CA: Jossey-Bass and Apple Press, 1996.
- Lepper, Mark R. and Malone, Thomas W. Intrinsic Motivation and
Instructional Effectiveness in Computer-Based Education. To appear
in RE Snow and MJ Farr (eds) Aptitude, Learning and Instruction
III: Cognitive and Affective Process Analyses. Hillsdale NJ
- Lepper, Mark R. Microcomputers in Education: Motivational and
Social Issues (January 1985 American Psychologist)
- Maddux, Cleborne D.; Johnson, D. Lamont; and Willis, Jerry W. Educational Computers: Learning with Tomorrow's Technologies. (Second Edition.)Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon, 1997.
- Schofield, Janet W. (1995) Computers and Classroom Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Theory Into Practice, 37(1): Technology and the Culture of
Classrooms.Winter 1998.
Children and Design
Druin, Allison; Solomon, Cynthia. 1996. Designing Multimedia Environments for Children: Computers, Creativity, and Kids. Wiley Computer Publishing, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Somerset, NJ.
- Harel, Idit. Children Designers: Interdiscplinary Constructions for Learning and Knowing Mathematics in a Computer-Rich School. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Corporation, 1991.
- Kafai, Yasmin et. al. Children as Designers of Educational
Multimedia Software Computers Educ. 29, (2/3), pages 117-126.
- Kafai, Yasmin. Minds in Play: Computer Game Design as a Context
for Childrens Learning. Laurence Erlbaum Assoc., 1995.
- Kafai, Yasmin B. and Resnick, Mitchel. (ed.) Constructionism in
Practice: Designing, Learning and Thinking in a Digital World.
Laurence Erlbaum Assoc., 1996.
Bennet, Dorothy T. et. al. Children and mathematics: Enjoyment, motivation and Square One TV. Paper presented at the Society of Research in Child Development. April 1991.
Civil, Marta. Everyday Mathematics, "Mathematicians' Mathematics," and School Mathematics: Can we (Should we) Bring These Three Cultures Together? Paper presented at a symposium: Communitites of ractice in Mathematics Classrooms: Reconciling Everyday and Mathematicians' Mathematics" at the Annual Meeting of AERA, San Francisco, April 1995.
Clewell, Beatriz; Anderson, Bernice; Thorpe, Margaret. Breaking the Barriers: Helping Female and Minority Students Succeed in Mathematics and Science. Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1992.
Fennema, Elizabeth; Carpenter, Thomas P. New Perspectives on Gender Differences in Mathematics: An Introduction. Educational Researcher 27(5), pp. 4-21.
Girls Inc. (Formerly Girls Clubs of America) Spinnerets and Know-How; Operation Smart; Planning Guide: A Program to Encourage Every Girl in Science, Math, and Relevant Technology. NY: Girls Incorporated, Operation Smart, 1990.
Healy, Lulu; Hoyles, Celia; and Pozzi, Stefano. Groups Handling Data with Computers: When Do Structured Groups Work? BERA, Liverpool, UK. September 1993.
Healy, Lulu; Hoyles, Celia; and Pozzi, Stefano. Learning Mathematics in Groups with Computers: reflections on a research study. British Educational Research Journal, 20(4), 1994. Pages 465-483.
Healy, Lulu; Hoyles, Celia; and Pozzi, Stefano. Making Sense of Groups, Computers, and Mathematics Cognition and Instruction, 13(4), Pages 505-523. 1995.
Karp, Karen; Brown, E. Todd; Allen, Linda; and Allen, Candy. Feisty Females: Inspiring girls to think mathematically. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. 1998.
Kenschaft, Patricia. Winning Women into Mathematics. Mathematical Association of America, 1991.
Multicultural and Gender Equity in the Mathematics Classroom (1997 NCTM Yearbook)
Parker, Lesley; Rennie, Leonie; and Fraser, Barry. Gender, Science and Mathematics: Shortening the Shadow. The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1996.
Rogers, Pat and Kaiser, Gabriele. Equity in Mathematics Education: Influences of Feminism and Culture. Falmer Press, 1995.
Rosser, Sue V., Ed. Teaching the Majority: Breaking the Gender Barrier in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering. Teachers College Press, 1995.
Saxe, Geoffrey B. and Guberman, Steve. Learning Mathematics in Games and Other Cultural Practices. Prospectus.
Saxe, Geoffrey B. and Guberman, Steve. Mathematical Problems and Goals in Children's Play of an Educational Game. UCLA, University of Colorado at Boulder. In Press.
Saxe, Geoffrey B. Studying Mathematics Learning in Collective Activity. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL March 1997.
Saxe, Geoffrey B. et. al. Transforming Cultural Practices: Illustrations from Children's Game Play. University of Colorado at Boulder. Draft.
Secada, Walter G. et. al., Eds. New Directions for Equity in Mathematics Education. Cambridge University Press, 1995.
Weissglass, Julian. No Compromise on Equity in Mathematics Education: Developing an Infrastructure. Univeristy of California. Draft.
Willis, Sue. Real Girls Don't Do Maths. Deakin University Press, 1989.
Crawford, Susan. Beyond Dolls and Guns: 101 Ways to Help Children Avoid Gender Bias. Heinemann, 1995.
Levin, Diane E. Remote Control Childhood? Combating the Hazards of Media Culture. DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children, 1998.
Mahoney, Rhona. Women at Work, Girls at Play. Ms. January/February, 1997. Pages 37-40.
Paley, Vivian. Boys and Girls: Superheroes in the Doll Corner. University of Chicago Press, 1996.
Thorne, Barrie. Gender and Play: Girls and Boys in School. Rutgers University Press, 1993.
Biklen, Sari Knopp. School Work: Gender and the Cultural Construction of Teaching. Teachers College Press, 1994.
How Schools Shortchange Girls. The AAUW Report. A Study of Major Findings on Girls and Education. NY: Marlowe and Company, 1995.
Linn, Marcia C. Gender Differences in Educational Achievement. Sex Equity in Educational Opportunity, Achievement, and Testing. Proceedings of the 1991 Invitiational conference of the Educational Testing Service, Princeton NJ, 1991. 1992.
Orenstein, Peggy. Schoolgirls: Young Women, Self Esteem, and the Confidence Gap. Touchstone Books, 1995.
Sadker, Myra and David. Failing at Fairness: How Schools Shortchange Girls.Washington, D.C.:Touchstone Books, 1994.
Sanders, Jo. 1994. Lifting the Barriers: 600 Strategies that Really Work to Increase Girls' Participation in Science, Mathematics, and Computers. (Available from Jo Sanders Publications, P.O. Box 483, Port Washington, NY 11050).
Wheeler, Kathryn A. How Schools Can Stop Shortchanging Girls (And Boys): Gender Equity Strategies: A Practical Manual For K-12 Educators. MA: Center for Research on Women: 1993.
Yelland, Nicola (ed.) Gender and Early Childhood. London: Rutledge. 1998.
Belenky, Mary Field, et. al. Women's Ways of Knowing: The Development of Self, Voice, and Mind. Basic Books, 1997.
Brown and Gilligan. Meeting at the Crossroads: Womens Psychology and Girls Development. Ballantine Books, 1993.
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. Harper Collins, 1991.
Gilligan, Carol. In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Womens Development. Harvard University Press, 1993.
Pipher, Mary. Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls. Putnam Publishers Group, 1994.