Our Research: Papers written to date:
- Rubin, Andee, O'Neil, Kim, Murray, Megan and Ashley, Juania.What Kind of Educational Computer Games Would Girls Like? AERA presentation, April 1997.
- Hancock, Chris and Osterweil, Scot. Zoombinis and the Art of Mathematical Play. Originally published in Hands-On! 19(1). Cambridge, MA: TERC, 1996.
- Rosenblum, Jennifer
Through the Glass Wall Hands On! Cambridge, MA: TERC, 1997.
- Murray, Megan, Mokros, Jan, and Rubin, Andee.
Where's the Math in Computer Games? Hands On!Vol. 21, No. 2. Cambridge, MA: TERC, 1998.
- Kliman, Marlene.
Choosing Mathematical Game Software for Girls and Boys Through the Glass Wall Website Cambridge, MA: TERC, 1998.
- Rubin, Andee.
What Is MEGS? Through the Glass Wall WebsiteCambridge, MA: TERC, 1999.