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Let's Talk about Me

© Knowledge Adventure. Used with permission.

The Personality area has 10 different quizzes that cover topics including: relationships, what your favorite colors, shapes, and objects say about you, and famous women in history.

© Knowledge Adventure. Used with permission.

One question from the "Express Yourself" test: "I say what's on my mind."

© Knowledge Adventure. Used with permission.

1. Explore changes in adolescents' bodies by clicking on the small circles and hearing about the "perils of puberty".
2. Then see what you've learned by trying to place all the circles in the appropriate places on the two bodies.

© Knowledge Adventure. Used with permission.

My Future offers several way to predict the future including: biorhythms, horoscopes, dreams and palm reading.

© Knowledge Adventure. Used with permission.

The My Life area has a diary, a scrapbook, an address book, a planner and an online connection.

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