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Let's Talk About Me Too

© Knowledge Adventure. Used with permission.

My Personality. In this area you can take one of four quizzes which explore the body, herstory (see next image), and what your preferences say about your personality.

© Knowledge Adventure. Used with permission.

Herstory: "Let's talk about ME. some consider me to be the greatest athlete of all time. I won more medals and set more records than anyone else in the 20th Century. Among my sports I played: baseball, basketball, track and field, swimming and diving, figure skating, roller skating, billards, bowling, football and golf. you name it, I played it. And more often than not, I won!"

© Knowledge Adventure. Used with permission.

Experiment with new hair styles with the Hair Master De-Luxe.

© Knowledge Adventure. Used with permission.

Zodiac Zone:
"Horoscope Gemini: May 21 - June 21
A true trend queen makes her own fashion rules. And girl, that's you! You're crazy about jewelry the more rings and bracelets, the better! For you, it's hippie-chick threads one day, and girlie glamour gear the next. You change your..."

© Knowledge Adventure. Used with permission.

My Diary. Write in a diary or use a calendar to keep track of special dates and events.

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