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Coco's Math Project 2

© Times Information Systems Pte Ltd. Used with permission.

Choose which of six topics you wish to explore from this main menu. Each topic has one to four activities.

© Times Information Systems Pte Ltd. Used with permission.

In the Money area, your job is to make change at your uncle's store. Add up the value of the items being purchased and subtract that from the bill you are offered. Type the result in to the cash register. You want to help your uncle earn as much money by the end of the day, so speed is of the essence.

© Times Information Systems Pte Ltd. Used with permission.

In this game of Nim, in the Supermath area, you take turns removing one or two gems from the trunk, with the object of removing the last gem. Your opponent, the Captain is clever, even at the easiest level.

© Times Information Systems Pte Ltd. Used with permission.

Help Chef Fratinelli catch the pizzas falling from the sky in the Pizza Rain. You must decide what fraction should be showing on the bucket in order to make a whole pizza. But you have to move quickly -- the pizzas are hot!

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