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Screen Shots from
Coco's Math Project 1

© Times Information Systems Pte Ltd. Used with permission.

Choose which of the four activities you wish to explore from the main menu.

© Times Information Systems Pte Ltd. Used with permission.

In the Numbers World, you must rearrange the cars of a train according to the conditions specified. For example, place the cars in such a way that you make the smallest number possible. More challenging levels require you to build number sentences.

© Times Information Systems Pte Ltd. Used with permission.

In the Shapes area, you stroll through the countryside collecting various geometrical shapes. You have to look carefully though, since the shapes are disguised as everyday objects.

© Times Information Systems Pte Ltd. Used with permission.

Hold your breath and take a plunge into the Sets area, where you collect different groups of fish. You may be asked to gather all the big fish, all the blue fish, or some other set of characteristics. You also help the fish make friends with each other - big fish with little, green fish with blue.

© Times Information Systems Pte Ltd. Used with permission.

Tipo the Balance needs your help balancing his arms. You practice addition, subtraction, and comparison by placing enough weight on one of Tipo's arms to balance his other side. Click on Tipo to find out if he is balanced.

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