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Coco's Math Machines Part 2

© Times Information Systems Pte Ltd. Used with permission.

Visit the seven areas of Coco's Math Machines Part 2. You can try different math activities at the Percenza Grand Prix, Castle Transformania, Gates of Numberado, Airship Probaberg, Numbo-Jumbo Garage, Factor Hatchery, and Switches of Chartington.

© Times Information Systems Pte Ltd. Used with permission.

At the Gates of Numberado, you must change the numbers around so that the totals match the descriptions at the end of each row and column (e.g., make a prime number, an even number, and an odd number). All of the conditions must be met at the same time in order to open the gate.

© Times Information Systems Pte Ltd. Used with permission.

Help open up spaces in the hatchery for the eggs to fall into by working with factors. First click on a number, then find its multiple. Once you have found the correct multiple, the number box will open up and the egg can drop into the slot.

© Times Information Systems Pte Ltd. Used with permission.

Help Aunt Marjori repair cars in her Numbo-jumbo garage. You rearrange the jumbled numbers on the batteries to fulfill the conditions specified above. Click on the "Done" button when you are finished to see how satisfied her customer is with your repairs.

© Times Information Systems Pte Ltd. Used with permission.

These lizards are hungry! Move the colored pieces of candy around the grid in order to place the treats in front of the appropriate lizard (the red lizard only eats red candy, the green lizard on eats green, etc.). You can rotate the candy, move it up or down, or slide it horizontally. A score card at the right shows you the minimum number of moves you need to make in order to feed all the lizards.

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