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Screen Shots from
Mathville Mindway

© Ingenuity Works, Inc. Developed by Courseware Solutions Inc. Used with permission.

Choose among the eight areas of the game (cars on the Ferris wheel) or spend the tickets you've earned at the ticket booth.

© Ingenuity Works, Inc. Developed by Courseware Solutions Inc. Used with permission.

Place all of the animals on the seesaw so that it is balanced.

© Ingenuity Works, Inc. Developed by Courseware Solutions Inc. Used with permission.

Use the paint to design your spinner according to the given fractions.

© Ingenuity Works, Inc. Developed by Courseware Solutions Inc. Used with permission.

Guess which color the spinner will land on each time, and stop the spinner before one of the bars in the graph on the left enter the danger zone.

© Ingenuity Works, Inc. Developed by Courseware Solutions Inc. Used with permission.

Use the compass to direct the treasure box around the grid to pick up the pieces that will make the requested shape (in this case, a rectangular prism).

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