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Description of
AlgeBlaster 3

No screen shot available (No Longer Available)
Published by: Knowledge Adventure
Age range: 10-Adult

This game opens with an animated sequence which introduces the story: a group of aliens from the planet of Quadratica are suddenly attacked by the Red Nasties. You help the Quadraticans by solving algebra problems in the four areas of the game. In the Challenger you learn and practice algebra via video chalkboard, example window, practice window, or word problems. In the Decoder you match equations with written descriptions of equations. Correct answers provide pieces of a puzzle. When all the pieces are collected, you must decode them in order to select a correct vocabulary word. The Simulator provides practice with finding and naming points and slopes on a coordinate grid with four quadrants. In Red Alert, you defend the buildings of a city by using a laser beam to blow up incoming space ships which otherwise explode upon landing.

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